The Way Forward for Bannan

Last updated : 18 November 2011 By Matt LeCameron

There are no excuses for what he did. None at all. It can only be assumed that such behaviour was partly due to the excesses and status given to modern footballers. However, he now needs to realise that he lives by the same rules as everyone else and, as a Villa player, he has to conduct himself properly.

It should be a deserved lesson for him, and Villa supporters should expect a particularly good shift from him to make amends for bringing the club into disrepute.

There is always a concern that such an incident will take an individual down another path. Bannan, however, seems utterly dedicated to the game and will hopefully use this as an experience of how things should not be done.

As a Villa supporter, I believe he will do the sensible thing for himself, the club and the public. Do other Villa supporters share the same opinion?

(Follow me on Twitter @MattLeCameron).