Joey Barton laughs off 15m Newcastle exit talk

Last updated : 22 December 2010 By Daily Mail

Joey Barton has laughed off claims he could leave Newcastle next month and insists he wants to end his career at the club.

Sportsmail has learned that Newcastle are prepared to listen to £1.5million cash offers for the controversial midfielder who is in the form of his life on Tyneside.

Barton has 18 months left on his £60,000-a-week contract and if Aston Villa or West Ham are prepared to meet Newcastle's valuation for the 28-year-old he could be allowed to leave St James' Park.

I'm going nowhere! Joey Barton insists he has no intention of leaving Newcastle

All this is news to Barton, who joined Newcastle from their BoxingDay opponents Manchester City in June 2007. He said: 'I was actuallylaughing about it, saying that I thought £1.5million was a little bitcheap and if I was them, I would ask for more and we had a good giggleabout it.

'I have always gone on record about the affinity I have got withthe fans at this football club, and the football club, and my fellowplayers. I have been on record as saying I want to stay here for therest of my career.

Highly rated: Alan Pardew is fighting to keep hold of Steven Taylor (left) and Andy Carroll (right)

'Nothing has happened and no-one has told me otherwise, and as far as I'm concerned, that's what's going to happen.'

Barton's reaction to the latest speculation will be welcomed byNewcastle boss Alan Pardew who has reiterated his desire to keep holdof the midfielder, England striker Andy Carroll and defender StevenTaylor.

The new manager may not be reading from the same script as hisemployers if Tottenham can back up their interest in Carroll with a£20m offer next month, but Pardew insists the striker is staying.

He said: 'In this window, Andy Carroll is definitely going nowhere.I'm quite confident of that. It doesn't surprise me that some of thebig clubs are after him, but he's very important for this club. I'llmake that clear to certain managers if they ring me.

'I hope to resolve the Steven Taylor situation but there arediscussions that still need to take place. I want to secure Stevenbecause he's a young centre half, he's a local lad and he's done greatfor the club, you don't want to lose that sort of player.

'We don't want to do any business. One of my main priorities hasbeen to secure the position of the players we have before we start tolook elsewhere.'

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Source: Daily Mail

Source: Daily Mail